
Monday, December 30, 2013

From a Hijabi to a Hijabi ...

Tips of the week.

So I thought I could post some yays and nays.
based on some personal experience and what I see frequently.

 NO.1 : Showing your Pandana is not always a good thing
I guess you can only do that when its only the same colour as your headscarf
or If your wearing a plain colour so you decided to spice things up and wear 
a pandana with prints, only then its okay.

NO. 2 : Be bold and try different colours. I highly recommend you see this video    .. It will help you in color blocking your outfits. 

NO. 3 : ACCESSORIES,ACCESSORIES,ACCESSORIES .. do not leave your home without
putting on atleast a RING. 
Necklaces are great with hijab, Gold one's are the best.. 

                                                                                             glitteredHijabi x 

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